Presentation of the Project to the People of Komárov

18. 10. 2023
We introduced one of the most ambitious projects in Brno - Allrisk MERIDIEM. More than 70 people came to hear what the new multifunctional complex will bring to their neighbourhood. 
Presentation of the Project to the People of Komárov
Representatives of the Allrisk MERIDIEM project and the city of Brno met with local residents to present how the new complex will look like and how it will enrich life in their neighbourhood. Many compelling questions were answered that were of interest to local residents. 

A Presentation Full of Visions

The project was presented by Ing. Michal Kresta, the Managing Director of Allrisk reality & finance, a.s., the company that provides real estate and financial services for the Allrisk MERIDIEM project. The presentation started with a projection of 3D visualizations that showed how Allrisk MERIDIEM will look like after completion and where exactly it will be located. This was followed by detailed information about the different parts of the complex - from apartments, to retail spaces, offices and public areas for relaxation.


The presentation of the project was followed by an interactive part where the residents of Komárov had the opportunity to ask questions. Everything from the impact on traffic and parking in the area to what new employment and leisure opportunities the complex will bring was discussed.

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